import math import datetime from affine import Affine from boxes.extents import Extents try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET EPS = 1e-4 PADDING = 10 RANDOMIZE_COLORS = False # enable to ease check for continuity of pathes def points_equal(x1, y1, x2, y2): return abs(x1 - x2) < EPS and abs(y1 - y2) < EPS def pdiff(p1, p2): x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 return (x1 - x2, y1 - y2) class Surface: scale = 1.0 invert_y = False def __init__(self, fname): self._fname = fname = [] self._p = self.new_part("default") def set_metadata(self, metadata): self.metadata = metadata def flush(self): pass def finish(self): pass def _adjust_coordinates(self): extents = self.extents() extents.xmin -= PADDING extents.ymin -= PADDING extents.xmax += PADDING extents.ymax += PADDING m = Affine.translation(-extents.xmin, -extents.ymin) if self.invert_y: m = Affine.scale(self.scale, -self.scale) * m m = Affine.translation(0, self.scale*extents.ymax+PADDING) * m else: m = Affine.scale(self.scale, self.scale) * m self.transform(m, self.invert_y) return Extents(0, 0, extents.width * self.scale, extents.height * self.scale) def render(self, renderer): renderer.init(**self.args) for p in p.render(renderer) renderer.finish() def transform(self, m, invert_y=False): for p in p.transform(m, invert_y) def new_part(self, name="part"): if and len([-1].pathes) == 0: return self._p p = Part(name) self._p = p return p def append(self, *path): self._p.append(*path) def stroke(self, **params): return self._p.stroke(**params) def move_to(self, *xy): self._p.move_to(*xy) def extents(self): if not return Extents() return sum([p.extents() for p in]) class Part: def __init__(self, name): self.pathes = [] self.path = [] def extents(self): if not self.pathes: return Extents() return sum([p.extents() for p in self.pathes]) def transform(self, m, invert_y=False): assert(not self.path) for p in self.pathes: p.transform(m, invert_y) def append(self, *path): self.path.append(list(path)) def stroke(self, **params): if len(self.path) == 0: return # search for path ending at new start coordinates to append this path to xy0 = self.path[0][1:3] for p in reversed(self.pathes): if self.path[0][0] == "T": break xy1 = p.path[-1][1:3] if points_equal(*xy0, *xy1): # todo: check for same color and linewidth p.path.extend(self.path[1:]) self.path = [] return p p = Path(self.path, params) self.pathes.append(p) self.path = [] return p def move_to(self, *xy): if len(self.path) == 0: self.path.append(["M", *xy]) elif self.path[-1][0] == "M": self.path[-1] = ["M", *xy] else: xy0 = self.path[-1][1:3] if not points_equal(*xy0, *xy): self.path.append(["M", *xy]) class Path: def __init__(self, path, params): self.path = path self.params = params # self._extents = None def __repr__(self): l = len(self.path) # x1,y1 = self.path[0][1:3] x2, y2 = self.path[-1][1:3] return f"Path[{l}] to ({x2:.2f},{y2:.2f})" def extents(self): # if self._extents is not None: return self._extents e = Extents() for p in self.path: e.add(*p[1:3]) return e def transform(self, m, invert_y=False): for c in self.path: C = c[0] c[1], c[2] = m * (c[1], c[2]) if C == 'C': c[3], c[4] = m * (c[3], c[4]) c[5], c[6] = m * (c[5], c[6]) if C == "T": c[3] = m * c[3] if invert_y: c[3] *= Affine.scale(1, -1) def faster_edges(self): for (i, p) in enumerate(self.path): if p[0] == "C" and i > 1 and i < len(self.path) - 1: if self.path[i - 1][0] == "L" and self.path[i + 1][0] == "L": p11 = self.path[i - 2][1:3] p12 = self.path[i - 1][1:3] p21 = p[1:3] p22 = self.path[i + 1][1:3] if (((p12[0]-p21[0])**2 + (p12[1]-p21[1])**2) > self.params["lw"]**2): continue lines_intersect, x, y = line_intersection((p11, p12), (p21, p22)) if lines_intersect: self.path[i - 1] = ("L", x, y) self.path[i] = ("C", x, y, *p12, *p21) class Context: def __init__(self, surface, *al, **ad): self._renderer = self._dwg = surface self._bounds = Extents() self._padding = PADDING self._stack = [] self._m = Affine.translation(0, 0) self._xy = (0, 0) self._mxy = self._m * self._xy self._lw = 0 self._rgb = (0, 0, 0) self._ff = "sans-serif" self._fs = 10 self._last_path = None def _update_bounds_(self, mx, my): self._bounds.update(mx, my) def save(self): self._stack.append( (self._m, self._xy, self._lw, self._rgb, self._mxy, self._last_path) ) self._xy = (0, 0) def restore(self): ( self._m, self._xy, self._lw, self._rgb, self._mxy, self._last_path, ) = self._stack.pop() ## transformations def translate(self, x, y): self._m *= Affine.translation(x, y) self._xy = (0, 0) def scale(self, sx, sy): self._m *= Affine.scale(sx, sy) def rotate(self, r): self._m *= Affine.rotation(180 * r / math.pi) def set_line_width(self, lw): self._lw = lw def set_source_rgb(self, r, g, b): self._rgb = (r, g, b) ## path methods def _line_to(self, x, y): self._add_move() x1, y1 = self._mxy self._xy = x, y x2, y2 = self._mxy = self._m * self._xy if not points_equal(x1, y1, x2, y2): self._dwg.append("L", x2, y2) def _add_move(self): self._dwg.move_to(*self._mxy) def move_to(self, x, y): self._xy = (x, y) self._mxy = self._m * self._xy def line_to(self, x, y): self._line_to(x, y) def _arc(self, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2, direction): if abs(angle1 - angle2) < EPS or radius < EPS: return x1, y1 = radius * math.cos(angle1) + xc, radius * math.sin(angle1) + yc x4, y4 = radius * math.cos(angle2) + xc, radius * math.sin(angle2) + yc # XXX direction seems not needed for small arcs ax = x1 - xc ay = y1 - yc bx = x4 - xc by = y4 - yc q1 = ax * ax + ay * ay q2 = q1 + ax * bx + ay * by k2 = 4/3 * ((2 * q1 * q2)**0.5 - q2) / (ax * by - ay * bx) x2 = xc + ax - k2 * ay y2 = yc + ay + k2 * ax x3 = xc + bx + k2 * by y3 = yc + by - k2 * bx mx1, my1 = self._m * (x1, y1) mx2, my2 = self._m * (x2, y2) mx3, my3 = self._m * (x3, y3) mx4, my4 = self._m * (x4, y4) mxc, myc = self._m * (xc, yc) self._add_move() self._dwg.append("C", mx4, my4, mx2, my2, mx3, my3) self._xy = (x4, y4) self._mxy = (mx4, my4) def arc(self, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2): self._arc(xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2, 1) def arc_negative(self, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2): self._arc(xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2, -1) def curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3): # mx0,my0 = self._m*self._xy mx1, my1 = self._m * (x1, y1) mx2, my2 = self._m * (x2, y2) mx3, my3 = self._m * (x3, y3) self._add_move() self._dwg.append("C", mx3, my3, mx1, my1, mx2, my2) # destination first! self._xy = (x3, y3) def stroke(self): # print('stroke stack-level=',len(self._stack),'lastpath=',self._last_path,) self._last_path = self._dwg.stroke(rgb=self._rgb, lw=self._lw) self._xy = (0, 0) def fill(self): self._xy = (0, 0) raise NotImplementedError() def set_font(self, style, bold=False, italic=False): if style not in ("serif", "sans-serif", "monospaced"): raise ValueError("Unknown font style") self._ff = (style, bold, italic) def set_font_size(self, fs): self._fs = fs def show_text(self, text, **args): params = {"ff": self._ff, "fs": self._fs, "lw": self._lw, "rgb": self._rgb} params.update(args) mx0, my0 = self._m * self._xy m = self._m self._dwg.append("T", mx0, my0, m, text, params) def text_extents(self, text): fs = self._fs # XXX ugly hack! Fix Boxes.text() ! return (0, 0, 0.6 * fs * len(text), 0.65 * fs, fs * 0.1, 0) def rectangle(self, x, y, width, height): # todo: better check for empty path? self.stroke() self.move_to(x, y) self.line_to(x + width, y) self.line_to(x + width, y + height) self.line_to(x, y + height) self.line_to(x, y) self.stroke() def get_current_point(self): return self._xy def flush(self): pass # todo: check, if needed # self.stroke() ## additional methods def new_part(self): self._dwg.new_part() class SVGSurface(Surface): invert_y = True fonts = { 'serif' : 'TimesNewRoman, "Times New Roman", Times, Baskerville, Georgia, serif', 'sans-serif' : '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif', 'monospaced' : '"Courier New", Courier, "Lucida Sans Typewriter"' } def _addTag(self, parent, tag, text, first=False): if first: t = ET.Element(tag) else: t = ET.SubElement(parent, tag) t.text = text t.tail = '\n' if first: parent.insert(0, t) return t def _add_metadata(self, root): md = self.metadata # Add Inkscape style rdf meta data root.set("xmlns:dc", "") root.set("xmlns:cc", "") root.set("xmlns:rdf","") title = "{group} - {name}".format(**md) date ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") m = self._addTag(root, "metadata", '\n', True) r = ET.SubElement(m, 'rdf:RDF') w = ET.SubElement(r, 'cc:Work') w.text = '\n' self._addTag(w, 'dc:title', title) self._addTag(w, 'dc:date', date) if "url" in md and md["url"]: self._addTag(w, 'dc:source', md["url"]) else: self._addTag(w, 'dc:source', md["cli"]) desc = md["short_description"] or "" if "description" in md and md["description"]: desc += "\n\n" + md["description"] desc += "\n\nCreated with (\n" desc += "Command line: %s\n" % md["cli"] if md["url"]: desc += "Url: %s\n" % md["url"] desc += "SettingsUrl: %s\n" % md["url"].replace("&render=1", "") self._addTag(w, 'dc:description', desc) # title self._addTag(root, "title", md["name"], True) # Add XML comment txt = """ {name} - {short_description} """.format(**md) if md["description"]: txt += """ {description} """.format(**md) txt += """ Created with ( Creation date: {date} """.format(date=date, **md) txt += "Command line (remove spaces between dashes): %s\n" % md["cli"].replace("--", "- -") if md["url"]: txt += "Url: %s\n" % md["url"] txt += "SettingsUrl: %s\n" % md["url"].replace("&render=1", "") m = ET.Comment(txt) m.tail = '\n' root.insert(0, m) def finish(self): extents = self._adjust_coordinates() w = extents.width * self.scale h = extents.height * self.scale nsmap = { "dc": "", "cc": "", "rdf": "", "svg": "", "xlink": "", "inkscape": "", } ET.register_namespace("", "") ET.register_namespace("xlink", "") svg = ET.Element('svg', width=f"{w:.2f}mm", height=f"{h:.2f}mm", viewBox=f"0.0 0.0 {w:.2f} {h:.2f}", xmlns="") for name, value in nsmap.items(): svg.set(f"xmlns:{name}", value) svg.text = "\n" tree = ET.ElementTree(svg) self._add_metadata(svg) for i, part in enumerate( if not part.pathes: continue g = ET.SubElement(svg, "g", id=f"p-{i}", style="fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;") g.text = "\n " g.tail = "\n" for j, path in enumerate(part.pathes): p = [] x, y = 0, 0 path.faster_edges() for c in path.path: x0, y0 = x, y C, x, y = c[0:3] if C == "M": p.append(f"M {x:.3f} {y:.3f}") elif C == "L": if abs(x - x0) < EPS: p.append(f"V {y:.3f}") elif abs(y - y0) < EPS: p.append(f"H {x:.3f}") else: p.append(f"L {x:.3f} {y:.3f}") elif C == "C": x1, y1, x2, y2 = c[3:] p.append( f"C {x1:.3f} {y1:.3f} {x2:.3f} {y2:.3f} {x:.3f} {y:.3f}" ) elif C == "T": m, text, params = c[3:] m = m * Affine.translation(0, -params['fs']) tm = " ".join((f"{m[i]:.3f}" for i in (0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5))) font, bold, italic = params['ff'] fontweight = ("normal", "bold")[bool(bold)] fontstyle = ("normal", "italic")[bool(italic)] style = f"font-family: {font} ; font-weight: {fontweight}; font-style: {fontstyle}; fill: {rgb_to_svg_color(*params['rgb'])}" t = ET.SubElement(g, "text", #x=f"{x:.3f}", y=f"{y:.3f}", transform=f"matrix( {tm} )", style=style) t.text = text t.set("font-size", f"{params['fs']}px") t.set("text-anchor", params.get('align', 'left')) t.set("alignment-baseline", 'hanging') else: print("Unknown", c) color = ( random_svg_color() if RANDOMIZE_COLORS else rgb_to_svg_color(*path.params["rgb"]) ) if p: # might be empty if only contains text t = ET.SubElement(g, "path", d=" ".join(p), stroke=color) t.set("stroke-width", f'{path.params["lw"]:.2f}') t.tail = "\n " t.tail = "\n" tree.write(open(self._fname, "wb"), xml_declaration=True, method="xml") class PSSurface(Surface): scale = 72 / 25.4 # 72 dpi fonts = { ('serif', False, False) : 'Times-Roman', ('serif', False, True) : 'Times-Italic', ('serif', True, False) : 'Times-Bold', ('serif', True, True) : 'Times-BoldItalic', ('sans-serif', False, False) : 'Helvetica', ('sans-serif', False, True) : 'Helvetica-Oblique', ('sans-serif', True, False) : 'Helvetica-Bold', ('sans-serif', True, True) : 'Helvetica-BoldOblique', ('monospaced', False, False) : 'Courier', ('monospaced', False, True) : 'Courier-Oblique', ('monospaced', True, False) : 'Courier-Bold', ('monospaced', True, True) : 'Courier-BoldOblique', } def finish(self): extents = self._adjust_coordinates() w = extents.width h = extents.height f = open(self._fname, "w", encoding="latin1", errors="replace") f.write("%!PS-Adobe-2.0\n") f.write( f"""%%BoundingBox: 0 0 {w:.0f} {h:.0f} 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor """) f.write(""" /ReEncode { % inFont outFont encoding | - /MyEncoding exch def exch findfont dup length dict begin {def} forall /Encoding MyEncoding def currentdict end definefont } def """) for font in self.fonts.values(): f.write(f"/{font} /{font}-Latin1 ISOLatin1Encoding ReEncode\n") # f.write(f"%%DocumentMedia: \d+x\d+mm ((\d+) (\d+)) 0 \(" # dwg['width']=f'{w:.2f}mm' # dwg['height']=f'{h:.2f}mm' for i, part in enumerate( if not part.pathes: continue for j, path in enumerate(part.pathes): p = [] x, y = 0, 0 path.faster_edges() for c in path.path: x0, y0 = x, y C, x, y = c[0:3] if C == "M": p.append(f"{x:.3f} {y:.3f} moveto") elif C == "L": p.append(f"{x:.3f} {y:.3f} lineto") elif C == "C": x1, y1, x2, y2 = c[3:] p.append( f"{x1:.3f} {y1:.3f} {x2:.3f} {y2:.3f} {x:.3f} {y:.3f} curveto" ) elif C == "T": m, text, params = c[3:] tm = " ".join((f"{m[i]:.3f}" for i in (0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5))) text = text.replace("(", "r\(").replace(")", r"\)") color = " ".join((f"{c:.2f}" for c in params["rgb"])) align = params.get('align', 'left') f.write(f"/{self.fonts[params['ff']]}-Latin1 findfont\n") f.write(f"{params['fs']} scalefont\n") f.write("setfont\n") #f.write(f"currentfont /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding put\n") f.write(f"{color} setrgbcolor\n") f.write("matrix currentmatrix") # save current matrix f.write(f"[ {tm} ] concat\n") if align == "left": f.write(f"0.0\n") else: f.write(f"({text}) stringwidth pop ") if align == "middle": f.write(f"-0.5 mul\n") else: # end f.write(f"neg\n") # offset y by descender f.write("currentfont dup /FontBBox get 1 get \n") f.write("exch /FontMatrix get 3 get mul neg moveto \n") f.write(f"({text}) show\n") # text created by dup above f.write("setmatrix\n\n") # restore matrix else: print("Unknown", c) color = ( random_svg_color() if RANDOMIZE_COLORS else rgb_to_svg_color(*path.params["rgb"]) ) if p: # todo: might be empty since text is not implemented yet color = " ".join((f"{c:.2f}" for c in path.params["rgb"])) f.write("newpath\n") f.write("\n".join(p)) f.write("\n") f.write(f"{path.params['lw']} setlinewidth\n") f.write(f"{color} setrgbcolor\n") f.write("stroke\n\n") f.write( """ showpage %%Trailer %%EOF """ ) f.close() from random import random def random_svg_color(): r, g, b = random(), random(), random() return f"rgb({r*255:.0f},{g*255:.0f},{b*255:.0f})" def rgb_to_svg_color(r, g, b): return f"rgb({r*255:.0f},{g*255:.0f},{b*255:.0f})" def line_intersection(line1, line2): xdiff = (line1[0][0] - line1[1][0], line2[0][0] - line2[1][0]) ydiff = (line1[0][1] - line1[1][1], line2[0][1] - line2[1][1]) def det(a, b): return a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] div = det(xdiff, ydiff) if div == 0: # todo: deal with paralel line intersection / overlay return False, None, None d = (det(*line1), det(*line2)) x = det(d, xdiff) / div y = det(d, ydiff) / div on_segments = ( (x + EPS >= min(line1[0][0], line1[1][0])), (x + EPS >= min(line2[0][0], line2[1][0])), (x - EPS <= max(line1[0][0], line1[1][0])), (x - EPS <= max(line2[0][0], line2[1][0])), (y + EPS >= min(line1[0][1], line1[1][1])), (y + EPS >= min(line2[0][1], line2[1][1])), (y - EPS <= max(line1[0][1], line1[1][1])), (y - EPS <= max(line2[0][1], line2[1][1])), ) return min(on_segments), x, y