# Simple Fedora based Docker container for running Boxes.py # Note that it downloads Boxes.py from GitHub and does not use your local copy # of the repository. Adjust the git command below to get it from somewhere else # Build with # docker build -t boxes.py . # Run with # docker run -ti -p 4000:8000 boxes.py # to get the web interface at localhost:4000 # First access may take a while as the Python files need to be complied # Use latest Fedora release as base FROM fedora:latest # Install requirements RUN dnf install -y git-core python3-markdown python3-setuptools python3-affine python3-shapely pstoedit && dnf clean all # Get Boxes.py sources to /boxes ARG BUILD_BRANCH=master ARG BUILD_REPO=https://github.com/florianfesti/boxes.git RUN git clone --depth 1 -b ${BUILD_BRANCH} ${BUILD_REPO} RUN chmod +x /boxes/scripts/boxesserver # Internal port used EXPOSE 8000 # Start the boxes web server on container start up CMD ["/boxes/scripts/boxesserver"]