function showThumbnail(img_link) { const img = document.getElementById("sample-preview"); img.src = img_link; = "auto"; = "block"; } function showThumbnailEvt(evt) { const url ="data-thumbnail"); showThumbnail(url); } function hideThumbnail() { const img = document.getElementById("sample-preview"); = "none"; } function expandId(id) { const e = document.getElementById(id); const h = document.getElementById("h-" + id); = "block"; h.classList.add("open"); h.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true"); } function collapseId(id) { const e = document.getElementById(id); const h = document.getElementById("h-" + id); = "none"; h.classList.remove("open"); h.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"); } function toggleId(id) { const e = document.getElementById(id); const h = document.getElementById("h-" + id); if ( == null || === "none") { expandId(id); } else { collapseId(id); } } function toggleEl(el) { const id = el.getAttribute("data-id"); toggleId(id); } function toggleEvt(evt) { const id ="data-id"); // if (evt instanceof MouseEvent) { toggleId(id); } if (evt instanceof KeyboardEvent && (evt.key === "Enter" || evt.key === " ")) { evt.preventDefault(); toggleId(id); } } function initToggle(el, hide = false) { // Add event handler. el.addEventListener("click", toggleEvt); el.addEventListener("keydown", toggleEvt); // Hide. if (hide) { toggleEl(el); } } function initThumbnail(el) { // Add event handler. el.addEventListener("mouseenter", showThumbnailEvt); el.addEventListener("mouseleave", hideThumbnail); } function initPage(num_hide = null) { const h = document.getElementsByClassName("toggle"); let i = 0; for (let el of h) { if (num_hide === null || i < num_hide) { initToggle(el, true); } else { initToggle(el, false); } i++; } const t = document.getElementsByClassName("thumbnail"); for (let el of t) initThumbnail(el); } function GridfinityTrayLayout_GenerateLayout(x, y, nx, ny, countx, county) { // x = width in mm // y = height in mm // nx # of gridfinity grids in X // ny # of gridfinity grids in Y // countx split x into this many // county split y into this many layout = ''; if (countx == 0) countx = nx; if (county == 0) county = ny stepx = x / countx; stepy = y / county; for (i = 0; i < countx; i++) { line = ' |'.repeat(i) + ` ,> ${stepx}mm\n`; layout += line; } for (i = 0; i < county; i++) { layout += "+-".repeat(countx) + "+\n"; layout += "| ".repeat(countx) + `|${stepy}mm\n`; } layout += "+-".repeat(countx) + "+\n"; return layout } function GridfinityTrayUpdateLayout(event) { console.log("update"); if (window.layoutUpdated == true) { // Don't do the update if the layout has been manually touched. if (confirm("You have manually updated the Layout. Do you wish to regenerate it?")) { window.layoutUpdated = false; } else { return; } } console.log("updating"); nx = document.getElementById('nx').value; ny = document.getElementById('ny').value; countx = document.getElementById('countx').value; county = document.getElementById('county').value; margin = document.getElementById('margin').value; x = nx*42 - margin y = ny*42 - margin layout_id = document.getElementById('layout'); layout_id.value = GridfinityTrayLayout_GenerateLayout(x, y, nx, ny, countx, county); } function setUpdated() { console.log("this was updated"); window.layoutUpdated=true; } function GridfinityTrayLayoutInit() { console.log("update init"); ids = ['nx', 'ny', 'countx', 'county', 'margin']; window.layoutUpdated=false; for (id_string of ids) { id = document.getElementById(id_string); id.addEventListener('input', GridfinityTrayUpdateLayout); } layout_id = document.getElementById('layout'); layout_id.addEventListener('change', setUpdated); layout_id.addEventListener('input', setUpdated); GridfinityTrayUpdateLayout(); layout_id = document.getElementById('layout'); layout_id.rows = 20; layout_id.cols = 24; } function addCallbacks() { if (window.location.href.includes("/GridfinityTrayLayout")) GridfinityTrayLayoutInit(); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { addCallbacks(); }, false); function collapseAll() { const h = document.getElementsByClassName("toggle"); for (let el of h) { id = el.getAttribute("data-id") collapseId(id); } } function expandAll() { const h = document.getElementsByClassName("toggle"); for (let el of h) { id = el.getAttribute("data-id") expandId(id); } } function showAll(str) { let matching_ids = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="search_id_"]') for (let id of matching_ids) { id.hidden = false; } } function showOnly(str) { str = str.toLowerCase(); let matching_ids = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="search_id_"]') for (let id of matching_ids) { name ="search_id_", "").toLowerCase(); if (name.includes(str) || id.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(str)) id.hidden = false; else id.hidden = true; } } function filterSearchItems() { const search = document.getElementById("search") if (search.value.length == 0) { collapseAll(); showAll() } else { expandAll(); showOnly(search.value) } }