
1680 lines
47 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Florian Festi
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import math
import inspect
import argparse
import re
from boxes import gears
def getDescriptions():
d = {edge.char: edge.description for edge in globals().values()
if inspect.isclass(edge) and issubclass(edge, BaseEdge)
and edge.char}
d['k'] = "Straight edge with hinge eye (both ends)"
return d
class BoltPolicy(object):
"""Abstract class
Distributes (bed) bolts on a number of segments
(fingers of a finger joint)
def drawbolt(self, pos):
"""Add a bolt to this segment?
:param pos: number of the finger
return False
def numFingers(self, numfingers):
"""Return next smaller, possible number of fingers
:param numfingers: number of fingers to aim for
return numfingers
def _even(self, numFingers):
Return same or next smaller even number
:param numFingers:
return (numFingers // 2) * 2
def _odd(self, numFingers):
Return same or next smaller odd number
:param numFingers:
if numFingers % 2:
return numFingers
return numFingers - 1
class Bolts(BoltPolicy):
"""Distribute a fixed number of bolts evenly"""
def __init__(self, bolts=1):
self.bolts = bolts
def numFingers(self, numFingers):
if self.bolts % 2:
self.fingers = self._even(numFingers)
self.fingers = numFingers
return self.fingers
def drawBolt(self, pos):
Return if this finger needs a bolt
:param pos: number of this finger
if pos > self.fingers // 2:
pos = self.fingers - pos
if pos == 0:
return False
if pos == self.fingers // 2 and not (self.bolts % 2):
return False
return (math.floor((float(pos) * (self.bolts + 1) / self.fingers) - 0.01) !=
math.floor((float(pos + 1) * (self.bolts + 1) / self.fingers) - 0.01))
### Settings
class Settings(object):
"""Generic Settings class
Used by different other classes to store messurements and details.
Supports absolute values and settings that grow with the thickness
of the material used.
Overload the absolute_params and relative_params class attributes with
the suported keys and default values. The values are available via
attribute access.
absolute_params = {}
relative_params = {}
def parserArguments(cls, parser, prefix=None, **defaults):
prefix = prefix or cls.__name__[:-len("Settings")]
lines = cls.__doc__.split("\n")
# Parse doc string
descriptions = {}
r = re.compile(r"^ +\* +(\S+) +: .* : +(.*)")
for l in lines:
m =
if m:
descriptions[] =
group = parser.add_argument_group(lines[0] or lines[1])
group.prefix = prefix
for name, default in (sorted(cls.absolute_params.items()) +
# Handle choices
choices = None
if isinstance(default, tuple):
choices = default
t = type(default[0])
for val in default:
if (type(val) is not t or
type(val) not in (bool, int, float, str)):
raise ValueError("Type not supported: %r", val)
default = default[0]
# Overwrite default
if name in defaults:
default = defaults[name]
if type(default) not in (bool, int, float, str):
raise ValueError("Type not supported: %r", default)
group.add_argument("--%s_%s" % (prefix, name),
action="store", default=default,
def __init__(self, thickness, relative=True, **kw):
self.values = {}
for name, value in self.absolute_params.items():
if isinstance(value, tuple):
value = value[0]
if type(value) not in (bool, int, float, str):
raise ValueError("Type not supported: %r", value)
self.values[name] = value
self.thickness = thickness
factor = 1.0
if relative:
factor = thickness
for name, value in self.relative_params.items():
self.values[name] = value * factor
self.setValues(thickness, relative, **kw)
def edgeObjects(self, boxes, chars="", add=True):
Generate Edge objects using this kind of settings
:param boxes: Boxes object
:param chars: sequence of chars to be used by Edge objects
:param add: add the resulting Edge objects to the Boxes object's edges
edges = []
return self._edgeObjects(edges, boxes, chars, add)
def _edgeObjects(self, edges, boxes, chars, add):
for i, edge in enumerate(edges):
char = chars[i]
edge.char = char
except IndexError:
except TypeError:
if add:
return edges
def setValues(self, thickness, relative=True, **kw):
Set values
:param thickness: thickness of the material used
:param relative: (Default value = True) Do scale by thickness
:param \*\*kw: parameters to set
factor = 1.0
if relative:
factor = thickness
for name, value in kw.items():
if name in self.absolute_params:
self.values[name] = value
elif name in self.relative_params:
self.values[name] = value * factor
raise ValueError("Unknown parameter for %s: %s" % (
self.__class__.__name__, name))
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.values[name]
### Edges
class BaseEdge(object):
"""Abstract base class for all Edges"""
char = None
description = "Abstract Edge Class"
def __init__(self, boxes, settings):
self.boxes = boxes
self.ctx = boxes.ctx
self.settings = settings
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Hack for using unalter code form Boxes class"""
return getattr(self.boxes, name)
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
"""Draw edge of length mm"""
self.ctx.move_to(0, 0)
self.ctx.line_to(length, 0)
def startwidth(self):
"""Amount of space the beginning of the edge is set below the inner space of the part """
return 0.0
def endwidth(self):
return self.startwidth()
def margin(self):
"""Space needed right of the starting point"""
return 0.0
def spacing(self):
"""Space the edge needs outside of the inner space of the part"""
return self.startwidth() + self.margin()
def startAngle(self):
"""Not yet supported"""
return 0.0
def endAngle(self):
"""Not yet supported"""
return 0.0
class Edge(BaseEdge):
"""Straight edge"""
char = 'e'
description = "Straight Edge"
class OutSetEdge(BaseEdge):
"""Straight edge out set by one thickness"""
char = 'E'
description = "Straight Edge (outset by thickness)"
def startwidth(self):
return self.boxes.thickness
#### Gripping Edge
class GripSettings(Settings):
"""Settings for GrippingEdge
* absolute_params
* style : "wave : "wave" or "bumps"
* outset : True : extend outward the straight edge
* relative (in multiples of thickness)
* depth : 0.3 : depth of the grooves
absolute_params = {
"style": ("wave", "bumps"),
"outset": True,
relative_params = {
"depth": 0.3,
def edgeObjects(self, boxes, chars="g", add=True):
edges = [GrippingEdge(boxes, self)]
return self._edgeObjects(edges, boxes, chars, add)
class GrippingEdge(BaseEdge):
description = """Corrugated edge useful as an gipping area"""
char = 'g'
def wave(self, length):
depth = self.settings.depth
grooves = int(length // (depth * 2.0)) + 1
depth = length / grooves / 4.0
o = 1 if self.settings.outset else -1
for groove in range(grooves):
self.corner(o * -90, depth)
self.corner(o * 180, depth)
self.corner(o * -90, depth)
def bumps(self, length):
depth = self.settings.depth
grooves = int(length // (depth * 2.0)) + 1
depth = length / grooves / 2.0
o = 1 if self.settings.outset else -1
if self.settings.outset:
for groove in range(grooves):
self.corner(180, depth)
self.corner(-180, 0)
if self.settings.outset:
def margin(self):
if self.settings.outset:
return self.settings.depth
return 0.0
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
if length == 0.0:
class CompoundEdge(BaseEdge):
"""Edge composed of multiple different Edges"""
description = "Compound Edge"
def __init__(self, boxes, types, lengths):
super(CompoundEdge, self).__init__(boxes, None)
self.types = [self.edges.get(edge, edge) for edge in types]
self.lengths = lengths
self.length = sum(lengths)
def startwidth(self):
return self.types[0].startwidth()
def endwidth(self):
return self.types[-1].endwidth()
def margin(self):
return max((e.margin() + e.startwidth() for e in self.types)) - self.types[0].startwidth()
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
if length and abs(length - self.length) > 1E-5:
raise ValueError("Wrong length for CompoundEdge")
lastwidth = self.types[0].startwidth()
for e, l in zip(self.types, self.lengths):
diff = e.startwidth() - lastwidth
if diff > 1E-5:
elif diff < -1E-5:
lastwidth = e.endwidth()
#### Slots
class Slot(BaseEdge):
"""Edge with an slot to slid another pice through """
description = "Slot"
def __init__(self, boxes, depth):
super(Slot, self).__init__(boxes, None)
self.depth = depth
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
if self.depth:
class SlottedEdge(BaseEdge):
"""Edge with multiple slots"""
description = "Straight Edge with slots"
def __init__(self, boxes, sections, edge="e", slots=0):
super(SlottedEdge, self).__init__(boxes, None)
self.edge = self.edges.get(edge, edge)
self.sections = sections
self.slots = slots
def startwidth(self):
return self.edge.startwidth()
def endwidth(self):
return self.edge.endwidth()
def margin(self):
return self.edge.margin()
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
for l in self.sections[:-1]:
if self.slots:
Slot(self.boxes, self.slots)(self.thickness)
#### Finger Joints
class FingerJointSettings(Settings):
"""Settings for Finger Joints
* absolute
* surroundingspaces : 2 : maximum space at the start and end in multiple of normal spaces
* angle: 90 : Angle of the walls meeting
* relative (in multiples of thickness)
* space : 2.0 : space between fingers
* finger : 2.0 : width of the fingers
* width : 1.0 : width of finger holes
* edge_width : 1.0 : space below holes of FingerHoleEdge
* play : 0.0 : extra space to allow movement
absolute_params = {
"surroundingspaces": 2.0,
"angle" : 90.0,
relative_params = {
"space": 2.0,
"finger": 2.0,
"width": 1.0,
"edge_width": 1.0,
"play" : 0.0,
def edgeObjects(self, boxes, chars="fFh", add=True):
edges = [FingerJointEdge(boxes, self),
FingerJointEdgeCounterPart(boxes, self),
FingerHoleEdge(boxes, self),
return self._edgeObjects(edges, boxes, chars, add)
class FingerJointBase:
def calcFingers(self, length, bedBolts):
space, finger =, self.settings.finger
fingers = int((length - (self.settings.surroundingspaces - 1) * space) //
(space + finger))
if not finger:
fingers = 0
if bedBolts:
fingers = bedBolts.numFingers(fingers)
leftover = length - fingers * (space + finger) + space
if fingers <= 0:
fingers = 0
leftover = length
return fingers, leftover
def fingerLength(self, angle):
if angle >=90:
return self.thickness, 0
a = 90 - (180-angle) / 2.0
fingerlength = self.thickness * math.tan(math.radians(a))
b = 90-2*a
spacerecess = -math.sin(math.radians(b)) * fingerlength
return fingerlength, spacerecess
class FingerJointEdge(BaseEdge, FingerJointBase):
"""Finger joint edge """
char = 'f'
description = "Finger Joint"
positive = True
def __call__(self, length, bedBolts=None, bedBoltSettings=None, **kw):
positive = self.positive
s, f, thickness =, self.settings.finger, self.thickness
p = 1 if positive else -1
fingers, leftover = self.calcFingers(length, bedBolts)
if not positive:
play =
f += play
s -= play
leftover -= play
self.edge(leftover / 2.0)
l1,l2 = self.fingerLength(self.settings.angle)
h = l1-l2
for i in range(fingers):
if i != 0:
if not positive and bedBolts and bedBolts.drawBolt(i):
self.hole(0.5 * space,
0.5 * self.thickness, 0.5 * d)
if positive and bedBolts and bedBolts.drawBolt(i):
self.bedBoltHole(s, bedBoltSettings)
self.polyline(0, -90 * p, h, 90 * p, f, 90 * p, h, -90 * p)
self.edge(leftover / 2.0)
def margin(self):
""" """
widths = self.fingerLength(self.settings.angle)
if self.positive:
return widths[0] - widths[1]
return 0
def startwidth(self):
widths = self.fingerLength(self.settings.angle)
return widths[self.positive]
class FingerJointEdgeCounterPart(FingerJointEdge):
"""Finger joint edge - other side"""
char = 'F'
description = "Finger Joint (opposing side)"
positive = False
class FingerHoles(FingerJointBase):
"""Hole matching a finger joint edge"""
def __init__(self, boxes, settings):
self.boxes = boxes
self.ctx = boxes.ctx
self.settings = settings
def __call__(self, x, y, length, angle=90, bedBolts=None, bedBoltSettings=None):
Draw holes for a matching finger joint edge
:param x: position
:param y: position
:param length: length of matching edge
:param angle: (Default value = 90)
:param bedBolts: (Default value = None)
:param bedBoltSettings: (Default value = None)
self.boxes.moveTo(x, y, angle)
s, f =, self.settings.finger
p =
b = self.boxes.burn
fingers, leftover = self.calcFingers(length, bedBolts)
if self.boxes.debug:
self.ctx.rectangle(0, -self.settings.width / 2 + b,
length, self.settings.width - 2 * b)
for i in range(fingers):
pos = leftover / 2.0 + i * (s + f)
if bedBolts and bedBolts.drawBolt(i):
self.boxes.hole(pos + 0.5 * s, 0, d * 0.5)
self.boxes.rectangularHole(pos + 0.5 * f, 0,
f+p, self.settings.width+p)
self.ctx.move_to(0, 0)
class FingerHoleEdge(BaseEdge):
"""Edge with holes for a parallel finger joint"""
char = 'h'
description = "Edge (parallel Finger Joint Holes)"
def __init__(self, boxes, fingerHoles=None, **kw):
settings = None
if isinstance(fingerHoles, Settings):
settings = fingerHoles
fingerHoles = FingerHoles(boxes, settings)
super(FingerHoleEdge, self).__init__(boxes, settings, **kw)
self.fingerHoles = fingerHoles or boxes.fingerHolesAt
def __call__(self, length, bedBolts=None, bedBoltSettings=None, **kw):
dist = self.fingerHoles.settings.edge_width
self.fingerHoles(0, dist + self.thickness / 2, length, 0,
bedBolts=bedBolts, bedBoltSettings=bedBoltSettings)
# XXX continue path
self.ctx.move_to(0, 0)
self.ctx.line_to(length, 0)
def startwidth(self):
""" """
return self.fingerHoles.settings.edge_width + self.thickness
class CrossingFingerHoleEdge(BaseEdge):
"""Edge with holes for finger joints 90° above"""
description = "Edge (orthogonal Finger Joint Holes)"
def __init__(self, boxes, height, fingerHoles=None, **kw):
super(CrossingFingerHoleEdge, self).__init__(boxes, None, **kw)
self.fingerHoles = fingerHoles or boxes.fingerHolesAt
self.height = height
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
self.fingerHoles(length / 2.0, 0, self.height)
super(CrossingFingerHoleEdge, self).__call__(length)
#### Stackable Joints
class StackableSettings(Settings):
"""Settings for Stackable Edges
* absolute_params
* angle : 60 : inside angle of the feet
* relative (in multiples of thickness)
* height : 2.0 : height of the feet
* width : 4.0 : width of the feet
* holedistance : 1.0 : distance from finger holes to bottom edge
absolute_params = {
"angle": 60,
relative_params = {
"height": 2.0,
"width": 4.0,
"holedistance": 1.0,
def edgeObjects(self, boxes, chars="sS", add=True, fingersettings=None):
fingersettings = fingersettings or boxes.edges["f"].settings
edges = [StackableEdge(boxes, self, fingersettings),
StackableEdgeTop(boxes, self, fingersettings)]
return self._edgeObjects(edges, boxes, chars, add)
class StackableEdge(BaseEdge):
"""Edge for having stackable Boxes. The Edge creates feet on the bottom
and has matching recesses on the top corners."""
char = "s"
description = "Stackable (bottom, finger joint holes)"
bottom = True
def __init__(self, boxes, settings, fingerjointsettings):
super(StackableEdge, self).__init__(boxes, settings)
self.fingerjointsettings = fingerjointsettings
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
s = self.settings
r = s.height / 2.0 / (1 - math.cos(math.radians(s.angle)))
l = r * math.sin(math.radians(s.angle))
p = 1 if self.bottom else -1
if self.bottom:
self.boxes.fingerHolesAt(0, s.height + self.settings.holedistance + 0.5 * self.boxes.thickness,
length, 0)
self.boxes.corner(p * s.angle, r)
self.boxes.corner(-p * s.angle, r)
self.boxes.edge(length - 2 * s.width - 4 * l)
self.boxes.corner(-p * s.angle, r)
self.boxes.corner(p * s.angle, r)
def _height(self):
return self.settings.height + self.settings.holedistance + self.settings.thickness
def startwidth(self):
return self._height() if self.bottom else 0
def margin(self):
return 0 if self.bottom else self._height()
class StackableEdgeTop(StackableEdge):
char = "S"
description = "Stackable (top)"
bottom = False
#### Hinges
class HingeSettings(Settings):
"""Settings for Hinges and HingePins
* absolute_params
* style : "outset" : "outset" or "flush"
* outset : False : have lid overlap at the sides (similar to OutSetEdge)
* pinwidth : 1.0 : set to lower value to get disks surrounding the pins
* grip_percentage" : 0 : percentage of the lid that should get grips
* relative (in multiples of thickness)
* hingestrength : 1 : thickness of the arc holding the pin in place
* axle : 2 : diameter of the pin hole
* grip_length : 0 : fixed length of the grips on he lids
absolute_params = {
"style": ("outset", "flush"),
"outset": False,
"pinwidth": 0.5,
"grip_percentage": 0,
relative_params = {
"hingestrength": 1, # 1.5-0.5*2**0.5,
"axle": 2,
"grip_length": 0,
def edgeObjects(self, boxes, chars="iIjJkK", add=True):
edges = [
Hinge(boxes, self, 1),
HingePin(boxes, self, 1),
Hinge(boxes, self, 2),
HingePin(boxes, self, 2),
Hinge(boxes, self, 3),
HingePin(boxes, self, 3),
return self._edgeObjects(edges, boxes, chars, add)
class Hinge(BaseEdge):
char = 'i'
description = "Straight edge with hinge eye"
def __init__(self, boxes, settings=None, layout=1):
super(Hinge, self).__init__(boxes, settings)
if not (0 < layout <= 3):
raise ValueError("layout must be 1, 2 or 3 (got %i)" % layout)
self.layout = layout
self.char = "eijk"[layout]
self.description = self.description + ('', ' (start)', ' (end)', ' (both ends)')[layout]
def margin(self):
return 3 * self.thickness
def outset(self, _reversed=False):
t = self.thickness
r = 0.5 * self.settings.axle
alpha = math.degrees(math.asin(0.5 * t / r))
pinl = (self.settings.axle ** 2 - self.thickness ** 2) ** 0.5 * self.settings.pinwidth
pos = math.cos(math.radians(alpha)) * r
hinge = (
90 - alpha, 0,
(-360, r), 0,
90 + alpha,
0.5 * t,
(180, t + pos), 0,
(-90, 0.5 * t), 0
if _reversed:
hinge = reversed(hinge)
self.boxes.rectangularHole(-pos, -0.5 * t, pinl, self.thickness)
self.boxes.rectangularHole(pos, -0.5 * t, pinl, self.thickness)
def outsetlen(self):
t = self.thickness
r = 0.5 * self.settings.axle
alpha = math.degrees(math.asin(0.5 * t / r))
pos = math.cos(math.radians(alpha)) * r
return 2 * pos + 1.5 * t
def flush(self, _reversed=False):
t = self.thickness
hinge = (
0, -90,
0.5 * t,
(180, 0.5 * self.settings.axle + self.settings.hingestrength), 0,
(-90, 0.5 * t), 0
pos = 0.5 * self.settings.axle + self.settings.hingestrength
pinl = (self.settings.axle ** 2 - self.thickness ** 2) ** 0.5 * self.settings.pinwidth
if _reversed:
hinge = reversed(hinge)
self.hole(0.5 * t + pos, -0.5 * t, 0.5 * self.settings.axle)
self.boxes.rectangularHole(0.5 * t + pos, -0.5 * t, pinl, self.thickness)
self.hole(pos, -0.5 * t, 0.5 * self.settings.axle)
self.boxes.rectangularHole(pos, -0.5 * t, pinl, self.thickness)
def flushlen(self):
return self.settings.axle + 2 * self.settings.hingestrength + 0.5 * self.thickness
def __call__(self, l, **kw):
hlen = getattr(self, + 'len', self.outsetlen)()
if self.layout & 1:
getattr(self,, self.outset)()
self.edge(l - (self.layout & 1) * hlen - bool(self.layout & 2) * hlen)
if self.layout & 2:
getattr(self,, self.outset)(True)
class HingePin(BaseEdge):
char = 'I'
description = "Edge with hinge pin"
def __init__(self, boxes, settings=None, layout=1):
super(HingePin, self).__init__(boxes, settings)
if not (0 < layout <= 3):
raise ValueError("layout must be 1, 2 or 3 (got %i)" % layout)
self.layout = layout
self.char = "EIJK"[layout]
self.description = self.description + ('', ' (start)', ' (end)', ' (both ends)')[layout]
def startwidth(self):
if self.layout & 1:
return 0
return self.settings.outset * self.boxes.thickness
def endwidth(self):
if self.layout & 2:
return 0
return self.settings.outset * self.boxes.thickness
def margin(self):
return self.thickness
def outset(self, _reversed=False):
t = self.thickness
r = 0.5 * self.settings.axle
alpha = math.degrees(math.asin(0.5 * t / r))
pos = math.cos(math.radians(alpha)) * r
pinl = (self.settings.axle ** 2 - self.thickness ** 2) ** 0.5 * self.settings.pinwidth
pin = (pos - 0.5 * pinl, -90,
t, 90,
if self.settings.outset:
pin += (
pos - 0.5 * pinl + 1.5 * t,
pin += (pos - 0.5 * pinl,)
if _reversed:
pin = reversed(pin)
def outsetlen(self):
t = self.thickness
r = 0.5 * self.settings.axle
alpha = math.degrees(math.asin(0.5 * t / r))
pos = math.cos(math.radians(alpha)) * r
if self.settings.outset:
return 2 * pos + 1.5 * self.thickness
return 2 * pos
def flush(self, _reversed=False):
t = self.thickness
pinl = (self.settings.axle ** 2 - t ** 2) ** 0.5 * self.settings.pinwidth
d = (self.settings.axle - pinl) / 2.0
pin = (self.settings.hingestrength + d, -90,
t, 90,
-90, d)
if self.settings.outset:
pin += (
self.settings.hingestrength + 0.5 * t,
if _reversed:
pin = reversed(pin)
def flushlen(self):
l = self.settings.hingestrength + self.settings.axle
if self.settings.outset:
l += self.settings.hingestrength + 0.5 * self.thickness
return l
def __call__(self, l, **kw):
plen = getattr(self, + 'len', self.outsetlen)()
glen = l * self.settings.grip_percentage + \
if not self.settings.outset:
glen = 0.0
glen = min(glen, l - plen)
if self.layout & 1 and self.layout & 2:
getattr(self,, self.outset)()
self.edge(l - 2 * plen)
getattr(self,, self.outset)(True)
elif self.layout & 1:
getattr(self,, self.outset)()
self.edge(l - plen - glen)
self.edge(l - plen - glen)
getattr(self,, self.outset)(True)
#### Chest Hinge
class ChestHingeSettings(Settings):
"""Settings for Chest Hinges
* relative (in multiples of thickness)
* pin_height : 2.0 : radius of the disc rotating in the hinge
* hinge_strength : 1.0 : thickness of the arc holding the pin in place
relative_params = {
"pin_height" : 2.0,
"hinge_strength" : 1.0,
def pinheight(self):
return ((0.9*self.pin_height)**2-self.thickness**2)**0.5
def edgeObjects(self, boxes, chars="oOpPqQ", add=True):
edges = [
ChestHinge(boxes, self),
ChestHinge(boxes, self, 1),
ChestHingeTop(boxes, self),
ChestHingeTop(boxes, self, 1),
ChestHingePin(boxes, self),
ChestHingeFront(boxes, self),
return self._edgeObjects(edges, boxes, chars, add)
class ChestHinge(BaseEdge):
"Edge with chest hinge"
char = "o"
def __init__(self, boxes, settings=None, reversed=False):
super(ChestHinge, self).__init__(boxes, settings)
self.reversed = reversed
self.char = "oO"[reversed]
self.description = self.description + (' (start)', ' (end)')[reversed]
def __call__(self, l, **kw):
t = self.settings.thickness
p = self.settings.pin_height
s = self.settings.hinge_strength
pinh = self.settings.pinheight()
if self.reversed:
self.hole(l+t, 0, p)
self.rectangularHole(l+0.5*t, -0.5*pinh, t, pinh)
self.hole(-t, -s-p, p)
self.rectangularHole(-0.5*t, -s-p-0.5*pinh, t, pinh)
poly = (0, -180, t, (270, p+s), 0, -90, l+t-p-s)
if self.reversed:
poly = reversed(poly)
def margin(self):
if self.reversed:
return 0*(self.settings.pin_height+self.settings.hinge_strength)
return 1*(self.settings.pin_height+self.settings.hinge_strength)
def startwidth(self):
if self.reversed:
return self.settings.pin_height+self.settings.hinge_strength
return 0
def endwidth(self):
if self.reversed:
return 0
return self.settings.pin_height+self.settings.hinge_strength
class ChestHingeTop(ChestHinge):
"Edge above a chest hinge"
char = "p"
def __init__(self, boxes, settings=None, reversed=False):
super(ChestHingeTop, self).__init__(boxes, settings)
self.reversed = reversed
self.char = "oO"[reversed]
self.description = self.description + (' (start)', ' (end)')[reversed]
def __call__(self, l, **kw):
t = self.settings.thickness
p = self.settings.pin_height
s = self.settings.hinge_strength
play = 0.1 * self.settings.thickness
poly = (0, -180, t, -90, play, -90, 0, (-90, p+s+play), 0, 90, l+t-p-s-play)
if self.reversed:
poly = reversed(poly)
def margin(self):
if self.reversed:
return 0.
return 1*(self.settings.pin_height+self.settings.hinge_strength)
class ChestHingePin(BaseEdge):
"Edge with pins for an chest hinge"
char = "q"
def __call__(self, l, **kw):
t = self.settings.thickness
p = self.settings.pin_height
s = self.settings.hinge_strength
pinh = self.settings.pinheight()
poly = [0, -90, s+p-pinh, -90, t, 90, pinh, 90,]
poly += [l+2*t,] + list(reversed(poly))
def margin(self):
return (self.settings.pin_height+self.settings.hinge_strength)
class ChestHingeFront(BaseEdge):
"Edge opposing a chest hinge"
char = "Q"
def startwidth(self):
return self.settings.pin_height+self.settings.hinge_strength
#### Slide-on lid
class LidSettings(FingerJointSettings):
"""Settings for Slide-on Lids
__doc__ += FingerJointSettings.__doc__
absolute_params = FingerJointSettings.absolute_params.copy()
relative_params = FingerJointSettings.relative_params.copy()
relative_params.update( {
"play": 0.05,
"finger": 3.0,
"space": 2.0,
} )
absolute_params.update( {
"second_pin": True,
"spring": ("both", "none", "left", "right", "both"),
} )
def edgeObjects(self, boxes, chars=None, add=True):
edges = [LidEdge(boxes, self),
LidHoleEdge(boxes, self),
LidRight(boxes, self),
LidLeft(boxes, self),
LidSideRight(boxes, self),
LidSideLeft(boxes, self),
return self._edgeObjects(edges, boxes, chars, add)
class LidEdge(FingerJointEdge):
char = "l"
description = "Edge for slide on lid"
class LidHoleEdge(FingerHoleEdge):
char = "L"
description = "Edge for slide on lid"
class LidRight(BaseEdge):
char = "n"
description = "Edge for slide on lid (right)"
rightside = True
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
t = self.boxes.thickness
if self.rightside:
spring = self.settings.spring in ("right", "both")
spring = self.settings.spring in ("left", "both")
if spring:
l = min(6*t, length - 2*t)
a = 30
sqt = 0.4 * t / math.cos(math.radians(a))
sw = 0.5 * t
p = [0, 90, 1.5*t+sw, -90, l, (-180, 0.25*t), l-0.2*t, 90, sw, 90-a, sqt, 2*a, sqt, -a, length-t ]
p = [t, 90, t, -90, length-t]
pin = self.settings.second_pin
if pin:
pinl = 2*t
p[-1:] = [length-2*t-pinl, -90, t, 90, pinl, 90, t, -90, t]
if not self.rightside:
p = list(reversed(p))
def startwidth(self):
if self.rightside: # or self.settings.second_pin:
return self.boxes.thickness
return 0.0
def endwidth(self):
if not self.rightside: # or self.settings.second_pin:
return self.boxes.thickness
return 0.0
def margin(self):
if not self.rightside: # and not self.settings.second_pin:
return self.boxes.thickness
return 0.0
class LidLeft(LidRight):
char = "m"
description = "Edge for slide on lid (left)"
rightside = False
class LidSideRight(BaseEdge):
char = "N"
description = "Edge for slide on lid (box right)"
rightside = True
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
t = self.boxes.thickness
s =
pin = self.settings.second_pin
if self.rightside:
spring = self.settings.spring in ("right", "both")
spring = self.settings.spring in ("left", "both")
if spring:
p = [s, -90, t+s, -90, t+s, 90, t-s, 90, length+t]
p = [t+s, -90, t+s, -90, 2*t+s, 90, t-s, 90, length+t]
if pin:
pinl = 2*t
p[-1:] = [p[-1]-t-2*pinl, 90, 2*t+s, -90, 2*pinl+s, -90, t+s, -90,
pinl, 90, t, 90, pinl+t-s]
holex = 0.6 * t
holey = -0.5*t
if self.rightside:
p = list(reversed(p))
holex = length - holex
holey = 1.5*t
if spring:
self.rectangularHole(holex, holey, 0.4*t, t+2*s)
def startwidth(self):
return 2*self.boxes.thickness if self.rightside else 0.0
def endwidth(self):
return 2*self.boxes.thickness if not self.rightside else 0.0
def margin(self):
return 2*self.boxes.thickness if not self.rightside else 0.0
class LidSideLeft(LidSideRight):
char = "M"
description = "Edge for slide on lid (box left)"
rightside = False
#### Click Joints
class ClickSettings(Settings):
"""Settings for Click-on Lids
absolute_params = {
"angle": 5,
relative_params = {
"depth": 3.0,
"bottom_radius": 0.1,
def edgeObjects(self, boxes, chars="cC", add=True):
edges = [ClickConnector(boxes, self),
ClickEdge(boxes, self)]
return self._edgeObjects(edges, boxes, chars, add)
class ClickConnector(BaseEdge):
char = "c"
description = "Click on (bottom side)"
def hook(self, reverse=False):
t = self.thickness
a = self.settings.angle
d = self.settings.depth
r = self.settings.bottom_radius
c = math.cos(math.radians(a))
s = math.sin(math.radians(a))
p1 = (0, 90 - a, c * d)
p2 = (
d + t,
t * 0.5,
t * 2 ** 0.5,
d + 2 * t + s * 0.5 * t)
p3 = (c * d - s * c * 0.2 * t, -a, 0)
if not reverse:
self.corner(-180, r)
self.corner(-180 + 2 * a, r)
self.corner(-180 + 2 * a, r)
self.corner(-180, r)
def hookWidth(self):
t = self.thickness
a = self.settings.angle
d = self.settings.depth
r = self.settings.bottom_radius
c = math.cos(math.radians(a))
s = math.sin(math.radians(a))
return 2 * s * d * c + 0.5 * c * t + c * 4 * r
def hookOffset(self):
a = self.settings.angle
d = self.settings.depth
r = self.settings.bottom_radius
c = math.cos(math.radians(a))
s = math.sin(math.radians(a))
return s * d * c + 2 * r
def finger(self, length):
t = self.thickness
2 * t,
2 * t,
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
t = self.thickness
self.edge(4 * t)
self.finger(2 * t)
self.edge(length - 2 * (6 * t + 2 * self.hookWidth()))
self.finger(2 * t)
self.edge(4 * t)
def margin(self):
return 2 * self.thickness
class ClickEdge(ClickConnector):
char = "C"
description = "Click on (top)"
def startwidth(self):
return self.boxes.thickness
def margin(self):
return 0.0
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
t = self.thickness
o = self.hookOffset()
w = self.hookWidth()
p1 = (
4 * t + o,
2 * (t + w - o),
self.edge(length - 2 * (6 * t + 2 * w) + 2 * o)
#### Dove Tail Joints
class DoveTailSettings(Settings):
"""Settings for Dove Tail Joints
* absolute
* angle : 50 : how much should fingers widen (-80 to 80)
* relative (in multiples of thickness)
* size : 3 : from one middle of a dove tail to another
* depth : 1.5 : how far the dove tails stick out of/into the edge
* radius : 0.2 : radius used on all four corners
absolute_params = {
"angle": 50,
relative_params = {
"size": 3,
"depth": 1.5,
"radius": 0.2,
def edgeObjects(self, boxes, chars="dD", add=True):
edges = [DoveTailJoint(boxes, self),
DoveTailJointCounterPart(boxes, self)]
return self._edgeObjects(edges, boxes, chars, add)
class DoveTailJoint(BaseEdge):
"""Edge with dove tail joints """
char = 'd'
description = "Dove Tail Joint"
positive = True
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
s = self.settings
radius = max(s.radius, self.boxes.burn) # no smaller than burn
positive = self.positive
a = s.angle + 90
alpha = 0.5 * math.pi - math.pi * s.angle / 180.0
l1 = radius / math.tan(alpha / 2.0)
diffx = 0.5 * s.depth / math.tan(alpha)
l2 = 0.5 * s.depth / math.sin(alpha)
sections = int((length) // (s.size * 2))
leftover = length - sections * s.size * 2
p = 1 if positive else -1
self.edge((s.size + leftover) / 2.0 + diffx - l1)
for i in range(sections):
self.corner(-1 * p * a, radius)
self.edge(2 * (l2 - l1))
self.corner(p * a, radius)
self.edge(2 * (diffx - l1) + s.size)
self.corner(p * a, radius)
self.edge(2 * (l2 - l1))
self.corner(-1 * p * a, radius)
if i < sections - 1: # all but the last
self.edge(2 * (diffx - l1) + s.size)
self.edge((s.size + leftover) / 2.0 + diffx - l1)
def margin(self):
""" """
return self.settings.depth
class DoveTailJointCounterPart(DoveTailJoint):
"""Edge for other side of dove joints """
char = 'D'
description = "Dove Tail Joint (opposing side)"
positive = False
def margin(self):
return 0.0
class FlexSettings(Settings):
"""Settings for Flex
* absolute
* stretch : 1.05 : Hint of how much the flex part should be shortend
* relative (in multiples of thickness)
* distance : 0.5 : width of the pattern perpendicular to the cuts
* connection : 1.0 : width of the gaps in the cuts
* width" : 5.0 : width of the pattern in direction of the cuts
relative_params = {
"distance": 0.5,
"connection": 1.0,
"width": 5.0,
absolute_params = {
"stretch": 1.05,
class FlexEdge(BaseEdge):
"""Edge with flex cuts - use straight edge for the opposing side"""
char = 'X'
description = "Flex cut"
def __call__(self, x, h, **kw):
dist = self.settings.distance
connection = self.settings.connection
width = self.settings.width
burn = self.boxes.burn
h += 2 * burn
lines = int(x // dist)
leftover = x - lines * dist
sections = int((h - connection) // width)
sheight = ((h - connection) / sections) - connection
for i in range(1, lines):
pos = i * dist + leftover / 2
if i % 2:
self.ctx.move_to(pos, 0)
self.ctx.line_to(pos, connection + sheight)
for j in range((sections - 1) // 2):
self.ctx.move_to(pos, (2 * j + 1) * sheight + (2 * j + 2) * connection)
self.ctx.line_to(pos, (2 * j + 3) * (sheight + connection))
if not sections % 2:
self.ctx.move_to(pos, h - sheight - connection)
self.ctx.line_to(pos, h)
if sections % 2:
self.ctx.move_to(pos, h)
self.ctx.line_to(pos, h - connection - sheight)
for j in range((sections - 1) // 2):
pos, h - ((2 * j + 1) * sheight + (2 * j + 2) * connection))
pos, h - (2 * j + 3) * (sheight + connection))
for j in range(sections // 2):
h - connection - 2 * j * (sheight + connection))
self.ctx.line_to(pos, h - 2 * (j + 1) * (sheight + connection))
self.ctx.move_to(0, 0)
self.ctx.line_to(x, 0)
class GearSettings(Settings):
absolute_params = {
"dimension" : 3.0,
"angle" : 20.0,
"profile_shift" : 20.0,
"clearance" : 0.0,
relative_params = {}
class RackEdge(BaseEdge):
char = "R"
def __init__(self, boxes, settings):
super(RackEdge, self).__init__(boxes, settings)
self.gear = gears.Gears(boxes)
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
params = self.settings.values.copy()
params["draw_rack"] = True
params["rack_base_height"] = -1E-36
params["rack_teeth_length"] = int(length // params["dimension"])
params["rack_base_tab"] = (length - (params["rack_teeth_length"]) * params["dimension"]) / 2.0
s_tmp = self.boxes.spacing
self.boxes.spacing = 0
self.moveTo(length, 0, 180)
self.gear(move="", **params)
self.moveTo(0, 0, 180)
self.boxes.spacing = s_tmp
def margin(self):
return self.settings.dimension * 1.1