-`timezone` a string representing timezone, can also include DST adjustment. For full syntax see [TZ variable documentation](http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/TZ-Variable.html).
#### Returns
#### Example
--set timezone to Eastern Standard Time
## time.initntp()
Initializes and starts ntp client
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
-`ntpAddr` address of a ntp server, defaults to "pool.ntp.org" if none is specified
#### Returns
#### Example
## time.ntpenabled()
Checks if ntp client is enabled.
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
#### Returns
`true' if ntp client is enabled.
## time.ntpstop()
Stops ntp client.
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
#### Returns
## time.epoch2cal()
Converts timestamp in Unix epoch to calendar format
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
-`time` number of seconds since the Epoch
#### Returns
A table containing the fields:
-`year` 1970 ~ 2038
-`mon` month 1 ~ 12 in current year
-`day` day 1 ~ 31 in current month
-`yday` day 1 ~ 366 in current year
-`wday` day 1 ~ 7 in current weak (Sunday is 1)
-`dst` day time adjustment:
- 1 (DST in effect, i.e. daylight time)
- 0 (DST not in effect, i.e. standard time)
- -1 (Unknown DST status)
#### Example
--Gets current time calendar format, no locale adjustment