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Adafruit provides a really nice firmware flashing tutorial. Below you'll find just the basics for the two popular tools esptool and NodeMCU Flasher.
!!! note "Note:"
Keep in mind that the ESP8266 needs to be put into flash mode before you can flash a new firmware!
A cute Python utility to communicate with the ROM bootloader in Espressif ESP8266. It is intended to be a simple, platform independent, open source replacement for XTCOM.
Source: https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool
Supported platforms: OS X, Linux, Windows, anything that runs Python
Running esptool.py
Run the following command to flash an aggregated binary as is produced for example by the cloud build service or the Docker image.
esptool.py --port <USB-port-with-ESP8266> write_flash 0x00000 <nodemcu-firmware>.bin
NodeMCU Flasher
A firmware Flash tool for NodeMCU...We are working on next version and will use QT framework. It will be cross platform and open-source.
Source: https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher
Supported platforms: Windows