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# node Module
The node module provides access to system-level features such as sleep, restart and various info and IDs.
## node.restart()
Restarts the chip.
## node.dsleep()
Enter deep sleep mode, wake up when timed out.
`node.dsleep(us, option)`
**Note:** This function can only be used in the condition that esp8266 PIN32(RST) and PIN8(XPD_DCDC aka GPIO16) are connected together. Using sleep(0) will set no wake up timer, connect a GPIO to pin RST, the chip will wake up by a falling-edge on pin RST.<br />
option=0, init data byte 108 is valuable;<br />
option>0, init data byte 108 is valueless.<br />
More details as follows:<br />
0, RF_CAL or not after deep-sleep wake up, depends on init data byte 108.<br />
1, RF_CAL after deep-sleep wake up, there will belarge current.<br />
2, no RF_CAL after deep-sleep wake up, there will only be small current.<br />
4, disable RF after deep-sleep wake up, just like modem sleep, there will be the smallest current.
- `us`: number(Integer) or nil, sleep time in micro second. If us = 0, it will sleep forever. If us = nil, will not set sleep time.
- `option`: number(Integer) or nil. If option = nil, it will use last alive setting as default option.
--do nothing
--sleep μs
--set sleep option, then sleep μs
node.dsleep(1000000, 4)
--set sleep option only
## node.info()
Returns NodeMCU version, chipid, flashid, flash size, flash mode, flash speed.
- `majorVer` (number)
- `minorVer` (number)
- `devVer` (number)
- `chipid` (number)
- `flashid` (number)
- `flashsize` (number)
- `flashmode` (number)
- `flashspeed` (number)
majorVer, minorVer, devVer, chipid, flashid, flashsize, flashmode, flashspeed = node.info()
print("NodeMCU "..majorVer.."."..minorVer.."."..devVer)
## node.chipid()
Returns the ESP chip ID.
number:chip ID
id = node.chipid();
## node.flashid()
Returns the flash chip ID.
number:flash ID
flashid = node.flashid();
## node.heap()
Returns the current available heap size in bytes. Note that due to fragmentation, actual allocations of this size may not be possible.
number: system heap size left in bytes
heap_size = node.heap();
## node.key() --deprecated
Define action to take on button press (on the old devkit 0.9), button connected to GPIO 16.
This function is only available if the firmware was compiled with DEVKIT_VERSION_0_9 defined.
`node.key(type, function)`
- `type`: type is either string "long" or "short". long: press the key for 3 seconds, short: press shortly(less than 3 seconds)
- `function`: user defined function which is called when key is pressed. If nil, remove the user defined function. Default function: long: change LED blinking rate, short: reset chip
node.key("long", function() print('hello world') end)
####See also
- `node.led()`
## node.led() --deprecated
Set the on/off time for the LED (on the old devkit 0.9), with the LED connected to GPIO16, multiplexed with `node.key()`.
This function is only available if the firmware was compiled with DEVKIT_VERSION_0_9 defined.
`node.led(low, high)`
- `low`: LED off time, LED keeps on when low=0. Unit: milliseconds, time resolution: 80~100ms<br />
- `high`: LED on time. Unit: milliseconds, time resolution: 80~100ms
-- turn led on forever.
####See also
- `node.key()`
## node.input()
Submit a string to the Lua interpreter. Similar to `pcall(loadstring(str))`, but without the single-line limitation.
!!! note "Note:"
This function only has an effect when invoked from a callback. Using it directly on the console **does not work**.
- `str`: Lua chunk
sk:on("receive", function(conn, payload) node.input(payload) end)
####See also
- `node.output()`
## node.output()
Redirects the Lua interpreter output to a callback function. Optionally also prints it to the serial console.
!!! note "Note:"
Do **not** attempt to `print()` or otherwise induce the Lua interpreter to produce output from within the callback function. Doing so results in infinite recursion, and leads to a watchdog-triggered restart.
`node.output(output_fn, serial_debug)`
- `output_fn(str)`: a function accept every output as str, and can send the output to a socket (or maybe a file).
- `serial_debug`: 1 output also show in serial. 0: no serial output.
function tonet(str)
node.output(tonet, 1) -- serial also get the lua output.
-- a simple telnet server
con_std = c
function s_output(str)
then con_std:send(str)
node.output(s_output, 0) -- re-direct output to function s_ouput.
node.input(l) -- works like pcall(loadstring(l)) but support multiple separate line
con_std = nil
node.output(nil) -- un-regist the redirect output function, output goes to serial
####See also
- `node.input()`
## node.readvdd33() --deprecated, moved to adc.readvdd33()
####See also
- `adc.readvdd33()`
## node.compile()
Compile a Lua text file into Lua bytecode, and save it as .lc file.
- `filename`: name of Lua text file
file.writeline([[print("hello nodemcu")]])
## node.setcpufreq()
Change the working CPU Frequency.
- `speed`: `node.CPU80MHZ` or `node.CPU160MHZ`
number:target CPU Frequency
## node.restore()
Restore system configuration to defaults. Erases all stored WiFi settings, and resets the "esp init data" to the defaults. This function is intended as a last-resort without having to reflash the ESP altogether.
This also uses the SDK function `system_restore()`, which doesn't document precisely what it erases/restores.
node.restart() -- ensure the restored settings take effect