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Ports for tests

All these tests need to run on a different port.

They should be bound to localhost so they are not accessible externally.

Port Test
88 TestHdfs
750 TestHdfs
8020 TestHdfs
8086 TestSeafileV6
8087 TestSeafile
8088 TestSeafileEncrypted
9866 TestHdfs
28620 TestWebdavRclone
28621 TestSFTPRclone
28622 TestFTPRclone
28623 TestSFTPRcloneSSH
28624 TestS3Rclone
28625 TestS3Minio
28626 TestS3MinioEdge
28627 TestSFTPOpenssh
28628 TestSwiftAIO
28629 TestWebdavNextcloud
28630 TestSMB
28631 TestFTPProftpd
28632 TestSwiftAIOsegments
28633 TestSMBKerberos
28634 TestSMBKerberos
38081 TestWebdavOwncloud

Non localhost tests

All these use $(docker_ip) which means they don't work on macOS or Windows. It is proabably possible to make them work with some effort but will require port forwarding a range of ports and configuring the FTP server to only use that range of ports. The FTP server will likely need know it is behind a NAT so it advertises the correct external IP.

  • TestFTPProftpd
  • TestFTPPureftpd
  • TestFTPVsftpd
  • TestFTPVsftpdTLS